Internet of Technology (IoT)
There are a lot of moving parts required in a production-ready software system.
A typical custom software product has between 10 and 30 distinct moving parts, replicated across several environments. We architect, deploy, manage and host everything in the product’s ecosystem.

A Sampling Of Our Infrastructure Technologies

What is IoT / Smart City
We are surrounded by the Internet of Things(Iot) from our smart home security systems to the medical equipment used in hospitals. These applications make life easier and allow us to be more efficient; helping represent the idea of a Smart City. This concept of building a Smart City has connected us more than ever through the technology of the Internet of Things and allows us to efficiently carry out our daily activities.
IoT Solutions
IoT has become a bridge between the digital and physical realities. Connecting both these aspects together; IoT solutions consists of devices or gadgets that improve the quality of life for people. These Internet of Things are devices with sensors or other components that collect and transmit data to each other over the internet. IoT solutions are being used by companies as a strong, powerful and secure grid of linked devices.

Effective IoT Product
InnoApps Inc provides businesses with the opportunity to integrate this useful piece of technology. With abundant resources, cutting edge technology and mechatronic experts; InnoApps can develop, design and produce powerful IoT products for any required task or field. We are also willing to further build the ultimate IoT product for you by incorporating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to improve efficiency and yield the best possible results.